Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Wonderful World of Rhymes

Dear Parents,

Our new topic for the second half of this term is 'Rhymes'.  Your child will explore traditional nursery rhymes and modern rhyming stories.  During the first week your child will be introduced to 'Rub-A-Dub-Dub'.  This classic nursery rhyme is all about three men, a 'Butcher', a 'Baker' and a 'Candlestick-maker' who go out to sea on a boat.  In relation to this rhyme the pupils will learn about jobs people do and think about what they would like to be when they are older.

Today we visited Miss Apple, the school librarian, to find out what she does.

'I look after the books in the library', said Ms Apple.

'This is where all the young children's books are kept', said Ms Apple.

Some children preferred to read in groups

We could also read on our own.

Some of us want to borrow books from the library.

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- University of Sussex BA (Hons) Psychology 2:1 - University Of Nottingham PGCE International with Merit - Five years experience teaching Early Years